Eye Emergency Department


What is an eye emergency?

  • A chemical injury (make sure you immediately irrigate the eye with water for 15 to 20 minutes while making your way there)
  • Severe trauma such as a penetrating eye injury
  • Total loss of vision
  • Excruciating pain
  • Your eyelid is so swollen the eye cannot be seen at all

If you have an eye emergency and Southampton is your nearest hospital, please go immediately to the eye emergency department between;

  • 0800 and 1900, Monday to Friday
  • 0800 and 1900, Satuday and Sunday and Bank holidays

The eye casualty department is not a walk in clinic

If you are unsure or if you do not meet the criteria of an eye emergency, you are required to call our telephone triage line (023 8120 6592) which is available 0800 to 1930 weekdays, and 0800 to 1800 on weekends and bank holidays.